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Inventory check-ins secured by AXA

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Check & Visit has subscribed to an insurance policy with AXA to protect Checkers who perform services through the Check & Visit platform. Thus, the responsibilities related to the professional activities carried out through Check & Visit are covered by AXA's public liability contract.

What does AXA cover for our inventories?

The professional liability contracted by Check & Visit covers accidents caused to third parties or customers in the context of a service of inventory carried out through Check & Visit. AXA covers the consequences of physical, material and immaterial damage that may be caused, except for some exclusions. To see the extent of exclusions, you can see Article 3 of the General Conditions of Insurance. For more information you can refer to our General Conditions of Use and our Professional Public Liability.

What is public liability insurance?

In practical terms, public liability, or "civil liability" is the responsibility that each of us has towards third parties. If I am at the origin of an incident which causes damage to a person, then "my public liability is involved ". Check & Visit’s AXA insurance covers damage caused to others, initially as company, as part of a service of inventory carried out through Check & Visit.

Example: if a Checker makes an inventory in an apartment and leaves the tap of the bath-tub open causing water damage, the AXA insurance will cover the possible damage caused. If this should also lead to immaterial damages such as depression and work interruption of the owner, the AXA insurance can also cover this. We have designed a public liability insurance policy that is automatically effective for all assignments carried out with Check & Visit to provide more protection and peace of mind to our Checkers and partners.

What should I do if a claim is made?

In the event of a claim, you must contact the following AXA Agency directly or through their website:

By email:

By phone: 03 44 20 20 20

By fax: 03 44 20 76 67

By mail: MERESSE-GADROY-BRETEAU Agency, 4 rue de Clermont, 60200 Compiègne